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Welcome Back! 


Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! It’s an honor to serve as Burke County Public Schools (BCPS) superintendent for the fifth year. I am eager to welcome families and staff back to school. As we prepare for this year, it is my hope that everyone had a good, productive, adventurous, and relaxing summer and is feeling the excitement of returning to school and work.

The core business of BCPS remains the same, preparing students for their best future. Although improvement and growth often appear slow, thanks to our collective efforts and collaboration, it is happening. During the summer we have been working diligently, strategically planning to position ourselves for a great academic year. We also administered several summer programs for our students and have been quite busy screening and hiring staff for the upcoming year.

This year, I am calling on everyone across our school community to ensure that all feel included and engaged in this work. It is only with a dedicated Board of Education, dynamic staff, engaged parents, resilient students, and community members invested in building better neighborhoods and educating the workforce of tomorrow working together that we can build the kind of momentum that will launch Burke County Public Schools into a new era of possibilities for students.  Our priorities continue to center around improving academic achievement and student experiences, nurturing strong relationships and partnerships, and increasing overall effectiveness and efficiency that enhance the learning environment where all students are able to thrive. 

Both new student registration and annual returning student updates may be completed online. New student registration is available here. Annual updates may be completed here. The online returning student annual verification process replaces all of the paper forms that have traditionally been sent home at the beginning of each school year and ensures the information is updated in a more timely manner.


Please look for other important information on the district website. You may also get frequent updates by subscribing to the district’s social media pages, calendar, and the BC App.We value communication and we recognize communication is a two way process. If you have specific questions prior to the first day of school, please do not hesitate to reach out to the leadership team at your child’s school with your questions.



Sending my gratitude and best to all as we launch into a new school year.



Dr. Angela Williams
